
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

What a marvelous Valentine's Day.  Had dinner with the hubby at Outback Steakhouse.  It was crowded and had to wait for almost 55 minutes for a table!  All my labor intensive work on the candy poppers for the grandkids paid off.  They were excited to pass them out.  Have a couple waiting for my other grandson and daughter.  Very good day.

So I picked up a book at my son's house called "American History A.S.A.P." and started reading.  It's an interesting book in the way it is written: short chapters and brief explanation of the events during certain periods in our nation's history.  It is fascinating to read (or re-read since we've learned it before in our history classes) about the early beginning of our United States of America and the hardships the early explorers and settlers suffered in the "New World".  Makes me appreciate being an American.  My ancestors immigrated from England and my husband's family came over in the 1800's from Germany and Bohemia.  Can't help but wonder some times what my life would be if my ancestors never came to America.  I would be calling the bathroom the "loo" and having Yorkshire pudding, haggis and fish and chips!

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