
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8: Something you’re currently worrying about.

It seems that the older I get my worries change somewhat. I still worry about my kids even though they are all grown and living on their own.  But a mother never stops worrying about them.  But it seems lately I've worried more about the end of my life, and the years leading up to the end.  For example, what is going to happen to me when I get so old that I can't go out anymore. How will I die? What will it feel like? Will I stay healthy to the end? What if I get sick, I don't have insurance or the funds for an illness!  I worry about my husband's health. He's been sick before...will he get sick again?  

I suppose maybe people my age start thinking about things like that.  I also worry about money, of course. I don't have as much any more and that worries me. I worry about my old car holding out until I can afford another one.  Things of that nature. 

Right now I'm worried my coffee is getting cold!

Today's Quote: "It is the eye of other people that ruin us. If I were blind I would want, neither fine clothes, fine houses or fine furniture."  
Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. You named a lot of valid things that bother those of us our ages. I wonder if people who have all the money they need and then some, have the same worries? They can buy all they want to lengthen their lives, (if that's possible), and they can all 'look young and pretty'. all they have to do is find the right doctor. but there are no promises for any of us that life will be easy until the day we die and no one knows when their day is called. I guess it's the same problem for all of us isn't it?
