
Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27: Talk about your siblings.

My siblings, what a nice topic. I have 3 brothers, all older than I. I was the “baby” of the family. They are terrific brothers, always have been. The oldest two used to babysit the youngest and me and I used to hate it because the “middle” brother would tease the living crap out of us. But we had fun too and he’s a wonderful, loving brother and I love him dearly. He used to teach us how to drive too and we were only about 10 years old at the time. My oldest brother was always there to watch over me and later in life to scrutinize my dates. My youngest brother is only 18 months older than me so we played a lot together. We had a good family life and made a lot of good memories.

All my brothers served in the military. Two remained living in Virginia, and one moved to North Carolina. All my brothers turned out to be good men, good citizens, good sons, brothers, fathers, and grandfathers. I am very proud of each one and glad that I was their little sister.

Today’s Quote: “There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother.” Astrid Alauda

1 comment:

  1. I would recognize that young girls face anywhere! Bet you loved that doll huh? Great picture Luv.
